Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 179 - Rain with a Splash

Well, the much needed rain that they've been promising finally arrived this evening. We didn't get as much as originally forecast-ed but enough to quench the thirst of plants and gardens. We're supposed to get a bit more during the night so hopefully by morning the grass will no longer be crispy. This picture is a result of rain and eaves that are due to be cleaned. I opened the door to let Dexter out but he decided to stay in once he heard the rain. I decided to grab the camera and take a few splash action shots. The lighting was a little tricky but I think I got one that I can live with. Now that I've got this picture I guess there are no more excuses for not cleaning the eaves. Oh well, another summer job.

1 comment:

susanvg said...

Nicely caught drops.