Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 246 - Very 'Pret-tea'

As a welcome back activity, our school's Parent Participation Organization (P.P.O.) hosts a Corn Boil for all the kids, staff and parents. The clouds moved out and the sun came out just in time for the festive community event. While mingling with the kids and parents, I captured this young Kindergarten miss' braids. I loved the colours, contrasts and shadows. Our school is predominantly caucasian, however this year we are blessed with the addition of a bit more cultural diversity. Here's to celebrating differences!


Monica said...

I love this too! The colours and shadows are fantastic.

susanvg said...

These are fun - I hope they are not too tempting to the other children wanting to tug at them ;-)

Anonymous said...

Shelley, I really admire the way you shot this girl and her fun braids. It's really just a perfect shot with the shadows and the nice background blur. You sure are good at capturing the kids while still maintaining their privacy.

I'm interested in the fact that your school isn't very diverse culturally. Does that reflect Quebec City's population? (Forgive my ignorance - I've never been there!)