Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 94 - Which wing to wear?

Yesterday was the last day of the butterfly exhibition at the local Jardin Hamel. Peg and I went in the morning to visit. There were many butterflies but even more people. Next year we'll definitely go earlier and maybe on a weekday. I did manage to get quite a few pics but one of the guides told us there were fewer varieties than when the exhibition first opened.
Believe it or not these two pictures are the same type of butterfly. Sorry, I can't tell you what kind. When their wings are closed they're beautiful but designed for camouflage. When the wings are open a stunning display of blue and sometimes violet appears. It was magical to watch them fly around as their wings open and shut.


Misty said...

Gorgeous detail!

Sandra V. said...

Really fantastic images! Butterflies are not the easiest things to photograph.

Chesney said...

That butterfly is my all time is amazing inside of those brown wings there is that stunning blue interior!

susanvg said...

It looks like a variety of a morpho butterfly. They are spectacular.

Anonymous said...

Hard to choose!