Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 83 - Monochrome Painting

We've been learning about colours in Art lately. This week we focused on value and students learned how to make different tints and shades using one colour along with black or white. Their assignment was to create a monochrome painting. There were many great paintings added to our class art gallery. One that stuck out was Lydia's blue tree. She blended her paints in such a way that she was able to create texture and various values of blue. When the students did the gallery walk and evaluated each other's paintings, this one was one of the most popular.


Misty said...

How pretty!

Chesney said...

I can see why it was popular...the blue tones are very soothing and I can see the texture! Love it!

Sandra V. said...

Wow - that's a great painting! Congrats to your students.

Photography said...

Very different and appealing.

susanvg said...

Very striking. She did a great job.

Anonymous said...
