Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 289 - More cleaning

Yes, there was more cleaning today but no, it wasn't diarrhea, thank goodness. Our eaves have been quite neglected and as a result they've not been draining as they should. We decided to it was time so we went shopping earlier this week and bought a new ladder. Today we figured out how to set it up. Don't laugh, it's actually trickier than it sounds.
Anyway, with the ladder set up we started cleaning. We realized just how neglectful we'd been when we retrieved a plant growing in the eaves. Go figure why they weren't draining properly. In this picture you can see the sludge that was in the eaves. We got most of it out this afternoon and will finish up the job with a good rinse tomorrow.


susanvg said...

Ah yes - the delightful jobs that come with home ownership

Kristy said...

Cool perspective! Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Funny how interesting you can make a shot of gutter SLUDGE! Very nicely done....