This little guy has been visiting our bird feeder a lot the last couple of days. When I sit at the dining room table I can see this tree through the french doors. I have the camera at the ready and as soon as I see him I grab it and head outside. I move as slowly and quietly as possible but I can't seem to get as close as I'd like. As soon as he senses my presence he takes off. Maybe he's shy. Even with my zoom lens (70-200mm) and some cropping, this is the closest I could get. I will keep trying. I like the complimentary colours of his plumage and the berries in the tree.
p.s. It's report card time so I will probably get a bit behind in my posting and commenting. Don't worry I will catch up asap.
that's much closer than I have managed to get to my pair of cardinals.
Ha ha, been there, done that! I have a pair now that hides whenever they see me coming ... silly birds. :)
Love the bright red.
lovely shot, we don't have cardinals in Ireland, love the red, closest we have is a robin red breast.
We have a number of cardinals nearby and they have been singing away - but they are as camera shy as yours. I have not managed to get close enough to have a photo worth posting. This is nice.
Have you tried tempting him with some bird seed?
Shelley- we're having P/T Conferences this week as well. I've had a hard time keeping caught up. You are not alone! Love the cardinal shot! Hope he has a mate somewhere nearby!
I always have a problem capturing these guys too, very shy! You did a great job here, I love the splash of red!
Pretty birds they are, love his colour.
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