I was cleaning up files on the computer when I came across the above picture. I was amazed at the difference in the accumulation of snow from last year to this year. I decided to go back to that stop when we were in town today to take another picture to compare. Quite a difference, eh? Perhaps the bus stop should have had the tuque on this year instead of last. Spring will be later this year for sure.
is that on all of the bus stops?
That toque is neat! I hope we have seen the last of any snow here. I'm ready for Spring!
I did the same for the past two years - I have photographs of shoots from the early spring flowers - not this year. BTW - we had toques on some bus stops last year too - think it was part of an ad campaign for milk.
Huge difference! This year we had much less snow, so we had a better year! :)
It looks like a knitted beanie! :-)
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