For awhile now this is the only kind of snowman in Quebec. We've only had about 2 cm of snow since December. However, they're announcing 20+ over the next few days. I took this little guy outside and put the bench legs in the eaves. Initially I wanted him there to get the snow in the background but in the end I think I like the effect of the fallen snowflakes all over him. I processed the photo in Lightroom. I used the Color Isolate Red effect.
Canon XSi
Lens: 100 mm
Focal Length: 100
F/stop: 4.5
Exposure: 1 (Bulb)
ISO: 400
adorable! i really like the whole set-up!
Great shot of the cute guy - think I would like this stuffed version over the cold and icy one any day! :)
He's very cute - hope you enjoy the upcoming snow. We have had a little snow here- but not really enough to play in.
Love the processing of this shot! Sorry for the lack of snow. Hopefully you'll make up for it in the next few days!
Cute lil guy!
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