Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 322 - Report Card Blues

As I said in an earlier entry, it's report card time. It's been a long, busy and exhausting week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! Was up late working on reports and not feeling very inspired. I decided I'd take a picture of what was keeping me away from my blog. Marking, putting in marks and writing comments were giving me the report card blues. Hence why I decided to use the cyanotype effect. Lastly, report card week would not be complete without a little Diet Dr. Pepper to keep me going. On a positive note, it was great to be able to record the improvement a number of our Grade 6's have made.


Kristy Johnson said...

I can SO relate! Love how you gave this shot a blue tint also!(Also love that Diet Dr. Pepper to the side. WHAT ELSE?!)

susanvg said...

Nice composition. Just wish those percentages didn't exist...

Anonymous said...

Perfect toning for this slice of your life. I like how you including all the elements in your photo...